How to raise a happy, porn-proof child that can withstand the dangers of the internet. Review of Good Pictures Bad Pictures by Protect Young Minds
Picture a happy childhood for a moment. What comes to your mind? When I think about childhood I picture sunny, summer days, swing sets and lemonade, kids giggling as they play tag on the grass, and glowing, worry-free moments. This is how I believe every child should be able to feel as they grow up. I’m a huge believer in children having a childhood and not growing up too fast. I believe their childhood should be free from the darkness and addiction of porn and the evil of sexual exploitation. This is why I love Protect Young Minds ( Today I want to share some of their tips, ideas, and philosophy for raising porn-proof children. I’m also holding a giveaway on Instagram for their bestselling books Good Pictures Bad Pictures and Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. There will be 2 winners so be sure to check that out and join in (it’s so easy)! Families can empower their children to resist the dangers of pornography and together we can spread the word and help more kids have the happy childhood we hope for them.
*This post is sponsored by Protect Young Minds. I am a huge fan of this website and I am happy to work with them and spread the word about the good they provide. This post may contain affiliate links that help support my blog and pay back our student loans without a single cost to you.
I have been following Protect Young Minds for a long time now. Five years ago when I started my blog, I noticed there was a huge lack of information on how to teach children to be safe on the internet and avoid pornography. And yet, I saw children all around me (including my own) using the internet and their devices freely without any knowledge of how to deal with the dangers of the internet.
Finally, I found Protect Young Minds (back then they were called Porn Proof Kids) and I loved their endless resources for helping parents and children understand the dangers of pornography. And I found that not only do they help us understand the dangers but they provide practical tools to help families know how to reject pornography and keep their minds free of the troubles it causes. They give you the tools and the plans you need to be successful and safe on the internet. I have used their strategies in my own home as I teach my children how to use the internet safely and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you follow them and start using their library of free information and resources!
You can follow Protect Young Minds at:
Here’s some of the things that I have learned from Protect Young Minds on raising porn-proof kids:
- Kids of all ages are easily exposed to pornography, so it’s never too early to teach them.
- Children deserve to have a porn-free childhood.
- Kids CAN be educated to understand the dangers of pornography and learn to reject it.
- Internet filters on your computer are not enough. Children need to be taught what to do when they see bad pictures. They can learn that they have the power to overcome it.
- Each person has an internal filter that can be developed. The more they reject the bad pictures, the stronger this filter becomes.
- Raising kids with sexual integrity requires early training in our hypersexualized culture, but it doable.
- Pornography is counterfeit. It teaches kids that sex is a form of self-gratification and violence, instead of a way to build loving, committed relationships. Kids who view it can have corrupted, unhealthy sexual attitudes leading to strained, unhealthy relationships as they grow up. Help them understand that these pictures are not good for them.
- Open dialogue with your children is KEY to raising porn-proof kids. Encourage questions and help them understand what is good and what is not.
- Kids need to know what the bad pictures are and why they are bad. Call it what it is, and help them recognize and reject it.
- Remain calm as you teach them, and have a plan. Always remind them that they do not have to look at the bad pictures they encounter. Remind them to talk to you whenever something makes them feel uncomfortable.
- Use Good Pictures Bad Pictures by Kristen A. Jenson and Gail Poyner as a resource to help you know what to say and to make it easier to understand.
Protect Young Minds was started by Kristen A. Jenson, MA. Kristen A. Jenson is the author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books including the best-selling Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids. She is the founder of Recently, she was invited to testify before the Washington State Senate Law and Justice Committee on the public health crisis of pornography. Kristen is a frequent speaker and guest on podcasts, webinars and radio broadcasts, and is a leader in the Prevention Task Force of the National Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation.
And now, I’m happy to say they have a NEW book for younger kids called Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. I’m so happy to get my hands on one! It is very clear simple. Easy enough for a preschooler to understand.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr uses a comfortable, age-appropriate language to teach children to TURN, RUN, and TELL when they are exposed to something inappropriate. I love the easy 3 step plan that little kids can follow and the clear explanations.
The illustrations are cute and colorful. And my favorite thing about these books is that it gives me the words I need as a parent to start the conversation with my children. Both books give me the words and analogies I need to help my kids understand what to do when they are exposed to something inappropriate. It also gives me a plan to help them know what to do. I LOVE this book.
I highly recommend you get this book. (You can purchase it ON AMAZON HERE or enter my GIVEAWAY HERE). I think every household should have one! Use this to teach and empower your family to use their internal filter and have a happy, free childhood.
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