Hi! I’m Lisa Jorgensen. I’m just a regular freckled-faced girl who is determined to find the good things in life. I believe life is meant to be blissful if you make it happen, and I try to find the positive, even in hard times (and when there’s not enough chocolate in the house!) I run this family lifestyle blog called Making Life Blissful and fill it with realistic family activities, kid crafts, delicious recipes, and useful life lessons. I also run a little Etsy Shop full of my crazy craft kits and printables. Outside of blogging, you’ll usually find me watching sunsets, taking long walks with my family, and doing laundry.
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I am passionate about trying to enjoy life and make each day meaningful.
Let me introduce myself just a little here. I’ve been married for 19 years to My Man. My Man is energetic, hard-working, and sometimes impulsive. I’m calm, careful, and sometimes shy. He loves to joke. I love to laugh. He cooks. I’m learning to cook. He loves tools. I love books. He likes scuba diving. I like camping. He hates chocolate (gasp!). I love chocolate. He’s into medicine and keeping germs at bay. He loves everyone to have clean hands before meals. I’m independent and I try to be crafty (though it doesn’t always work). I enjoy children and kid stuff. I strive for balance in all things. I love the dishwasher to be neatly organized. He leaves his socks on the floor. I leave the bed unmade. We both love trying new ideas and being creative.
Together we have 3 energetic children. Sweet Teen is 16 years old. Little Son is 14 years old. Baby Girl is 10 years old.
Sweet Teen is social, dramatic, and full of giggles. She’s an avid reader and a good writer. She’s tenderhearted, strong-willed, and opinionated. She is quite out-spoken, but she’s sweet too. She loves people and helping others. She works hard and laughs a lot. She’s also a HUGE help to me.
Little Son is a thinker. He loves learning and reading non-fiction. He’s super competitive (sometimes to point of tears) in everything and so he loves sports, and any kind of challenge or game. He’s careful, loves routine, and has a very soft heart. He works hard and learns quickly. He’s fun to play with and he loves to talk too.
Baby Girl is a little person, but she makes sure she is heard. She is determined and organized. She’s sweet and sometimes patient, but doesn’t allow herself to stepped on. She has quite the sense of humor and is pretty “street smart”. She’s into dolls and dress-up and growing up too fast. She is calm and sometimes hard to read. Generally, she is just happy and goes with the flow. She is very smart and easy to get along with.
We live in a smallish city in Utah, but spent 10 years living in the humid South while My Man finished med school. Religion plays a huge part in our lives as does our extended family. We are LDS (Mormons) and we love God, family, and living life as best we can. We are striving for a fun, balanced, value-centered home. Things don’t always work out for us, but that is life . . . so here goes nothing!