Today I’m sharing something totally unplanned. It’s all because I went to Target yesterday and saw these super duper cute patterned paper straws for $1. I have no power when I see cute straws (and Cadbury Mini Eggs, but that ‘s another blog post). So I saw these patriotic straws and started feeling crafty and I could feel a creative project coming on. So I made a Patriotic Straw Craft Decoration since the 4th of July is coming up. It’s kind of like those crayon monograms I’ve been seeing on Pinterest. It’s super simple. Super versatile. You can do any holiday, any word, any color. All you need is some cute paper straws and you got a craft!
Paper Straws (about 2-3 straws per letter)
Printout of word you’ll be using on card stock paper
Frame with glass removed
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