Being a MOM can be amazing. It can also be soooo hard and emotionally trying sometimes. But overall motherhood is a gift. It’s a journey that can change us for the better. So let’s think of the 10 best things about being a mom. I love finding the positive side of life. What’s your favorite part about being a mom? If you are not a mom, what is the BEST thing about your own mother? Comment below and let’s see how many good things about motherhood we can get.
1. You get to be the boss (along with your spouse). What you say goes . . . usually.
2. Having the title of “Mom”, “Mother”, or even “Big Mama” is so special, no matter the language.
3. Your children are always indebted to you . . . you gave them life. So you never need to feel guilty about having them help with the dishes.
4. You are the first one to get the hugs and the snuggles.
5. Your children will make more drawings and pictures just for you than they will for anyone else in the family.
6. You have the right to eat chocolate, especially during pregnancy and those late nights of soothing a crying child.
7. You can decide to “pause” life on a rainy day and declare a Pajama Day with your kids.
8. Your smile and encouragement has the power to completely turn your child’s day around.
9. When your children grow up, coming home will mean “coming home to see Mom.”
10. You have the power to change the world for the better, one child at a time.
Now it’s your turn. What’s your BEST thing about being a mom? OR What’s the best thing about your own mom? Comment below . . . I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.